Our first Launch Week is over! See the recap 🚀

July 31, 2024


Eric Ciarla imageEric Ciarla

Firecrawl July 2024 Updates

Firecrawl July 2024 Updates image

We are excited to share our latest updates from July!


Officially launched on YC 🧡

After three months and more than 8K stars, we have officially decided to launch Firecrawl on YC. It has been an incredible journey, and we are excited to continue building the best way to power AI with web data. Check out our launch (and leave an upvote 🙂)!

Firecrawl Launch YC

Improvements to Endpoints + Dashboard

This month, we made improving our core product a priority. This meant focusing time on speed, reliability, and our dashboard as well.

Specifically in these categories, we:

  • Shaved off around 1 second for every scrape and crawl request
  • Expanded scrape reliability for a bunch of new types of sites
  • Added enhanced dashboard monitoring which allows you to see processes, timing, failures and more. Check it out on your Activity Logs page on the dashboard!

Look for even more speed and reliability improvements coming soon!

New enhanced dashboard monitoring

New Templates & Community Creations

Not only did we release some examples and templates this month, but we also witnessed incredible creations from our community. If you’re working on an interesting Firecrawl project, we’d love to hear about it! Give us a shout at @firecrawl_dev. Here are a few highlights:

  • Firecrawl Web Data Ingestion UI Template (Link to repo)
  • Generative UI with demo Firecrawl x Langchain by Brace Sproul from Langchain (Link to repo)
  • Scraping Real Estate Data from Zillow by Sourav Maji (Link to post)
  • Website Contraction Analysis with Google Gemini (Link to post)

Web Data Ingestion UI Template

We are hiring!

If you want to help build the best way to power AI with web data, we want to hear from you. Specifically, we are hiring for these roles:

That’s all for this update! Stay tuned for the next one 🚀

Ready to Build?

Start scraping web data for your AI apps today.
No credit card needed.

About the Author

Eric Ciarla image
Eric Ciarla@ericciarla

Eric Ciarla is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Firecrawl and leads marketing. He also worked on Mendable.ai and sold it to companies like Snapchat, Coinbase, and MongoDB. Previously worked at Ford and Fracta as a Data Scientist. Eric also co-founded SideGuide, a tool for learning code within VS Code with 50,000 users.

More articles by Eric Ciarla