Our first Launch Week is over! See the recap 🚀

June 30, 2024


Nicolas Camara imageNicolas Camara

Firecrawl June 2024 Updates

Firecrawl June 2024 Updates image

We are excited to share our latest updates from June!


  • New Integrations live with Gamma, Dify, Praison, and Flowise
  • Firecrawl Dashboard Launched
  • New tutorials and examples out
  • Platform Improvements


We’ve been busy collaborating with some amazing partners to bring the power of Firecrawl to more platforms and users. Here are all of our current integrations:

Firecrawl integrations

New Integrations:

  • Gamma’s new Import from URL feature: With this integration, users can generate entire presentations from any website in under a minute ✨
  • Firecrawl now integrates with Dify.ai: Our collaboration with this leading open-source LLM development platform is now live on their open-source repo and Dify cloud.
  • Integration with FlowiseAI: Flowise users can now easily add clean web data to their drag-and-drop LLM workflows.

New Dashboard Launched

We are excited to launch our brand new dashboard 🔥

Firecrawl dashboard

Inside you can do things like:

  • View and download data from jobs
  • See breakdowns and analytics of usage
  • Easily access the playground for testing

Try it out today by logging in and clicking Dashboard!

Platform Improvements

We’re constantly working to enhance Firecrawl’s capabilities and performance.

Firecrawl dashboard

Here are some notable improvements we’ve made:

  • Authenticated Web Scraping: One of our most requested features is now live! With the new headers option, you can forward authentication cookies to scrape data behind auth walls. No more barriers to the data you need.
  • Improved Metadata for Scraped Pages: We’ve further enriched the metadata returned for each scraped page.
  • SDK Support for Local Instances: You can now use Firecrawl’s Python and Node SDKs locally.

Plus way more, follow us at @firecrawl_dev to see everything we launch!

Fresh Tutorials and Examples

Want to see Firecrawl in action? Check out our examples!

We’ve released these new tutorials and examples:

  • Chat with websites locally powered by Firecrawl and Ollama
  • Tutorial with Weaviate demoing Generative Feedback Loops
  • Cluster common topics from any web page with Firecrawl and E2B

That’s all for this update! Stay tuned for the next one 🚀

Ready to Build?

Start scraping web data for your AI apps today.
No credit card needed.